over the past two days i have coincidentally entered into two conversations with friends discussing the importance of focusing on the moment you are in, allowing the past to be dead and the future to be unwritten.
i once read in a book that much like burning sage to clear a space of negative energy, one can carry and egg around a room to absorb the bad vibrations. you must then take the egg outside and bury it.
so we cleaned out a lot of stuff from the basement to make more room. a house with a lot of different people moving in and out over three years accumulates a lot of shit. like two extra tv's?
here's an old watercolor i mailed to a friend.
and i picked up this album, blood is clean, byvalet at the library.
an early happy valentine's day! such a bull shit holiday for a lot of reasons like the need to buy gifts. i made something for my particular valentine in that box up there. unfortunately for some it does seem we need a nationally recognized holiday to signify a day to be as loving to one another as we should be everyday. tomorrow: a heart on every coffee drink.
i found this tape this summer of what looks like the middle eastern version of mc serch at the goodwill on grand. look closely...no red eye reduction here!
exquisite corpse drawings done by clea and me on the plane ride home from maui.
slow start today. stayed up late on this new toy of mine. tonight i reconvene with my friend dan with who i played some smoothed out blue-eyed soul under the name gianculi.